Private Care

Boulevard Nursery School understands how some kids don’t feel comfortable when surrounded by other children or other people in general. Our private care services are designed to cater to your child’s educational needs while he or she is in a place, like his or her home or a center, where learning is conducive.

In addition to providing a place where parents are comfortable leaving their children, private daycare providers must meet state requirements for private daycare centers related to safety and care for children. Our private room is a non-funded program. Parents pay out of pocket.

Meeting a child’s basic needs serves as the main priority for a private daycare provider. These needs include changing diapers, helping children use the toilet, meeting basic hygienic needs, and ensuring children are well-fed throughout the day. In order to best meet all children’s needs, private daycare providers must follow state guidelines for staff-to-children ratios. Ratios typically differ by age level, with lower staff-to-children ratios for infants than for older children.

Many private daycare providers choose to expose children to educational activities throughout the day to help them grow developmentally and intellectually. This involves planning activities in advance or choosing a published curriculum that offers prepared activities for each age group. In addition to educational options, a private daycare provider must offer age-appropriate toys and games for children. For younger children, parents expect a nap time routine to be followed. Parents of infants expect the daycare provider to follow individual feeding and nap time schedules for each child.

Who are eligible?

  • Children ages six weeks to 13-years-old
  • AND families receiving Cash Assistance from the Human Resources Administration (HRA)
  • AND families with an ACS-issued voucher

For further information, please visit as a reference.